Monday, February 06, 2006

i should be working right now...

i got tagged...this should relieve some boredom for a bit...

Four jobs i've had:
1. banquet server, Canadian Bible College
2. Nufab lumber warehouse
3. Phantom Screens
4. soccer referree(is that spelled right?)

Four movies i can watch over and over:
1. Batman Begins
2. About a Boy
3. Garden State
4. Top Gun

Four Places i've lived:
1. Kelstern(i think this is where my family lived the first year of my life)
2. Regina
3. Calgary
4. college residence(i haven't lived in any other cities so i needed something else)

4 TV shows i love to watch:
1. Smallville
2. Scrubs
3. anything sports
4. i guess Lost(though i haven't seen hardly any of the second season...don't watch much tv)

4 places i've been on vacation
1. Northern Saskatchewan(beautiful country up there)
2. Edmonton
3. Crow's Nest Pass
4. Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. (though i was too young to remember most of it)

4 of my favorite dishes:
1. Steak(don't care what it's served with, the steak is the important part)
2. Roast beef and potatoes
3. chicken or turkey with all the fixins(it's all the fixins that i love best)
4. i guess ham with scalloped potatoes

4 Sites i visit daily:
1. TSN
3. hockey pool
4. CNN news site

4 places i'd rather be right now
1. playing soccer
2. in a music store with a pocket full of money
3. at the school res. cause i know lots of people there
4. ireland

so there we go...someone else's turn...


Blogger Monty P said...

Actually, Jeff, you lived in Caronport from March to Septemberish 1984. You never lived in Kelstern, you've just heard about it in the family history.
Boy, that's kind of weird, cuz I remember Kelstern reasonably well.

8:36 PM

Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Jeff, CBC called. They need you to do a banquet...

11:38 PM

Blogger Papa Scott said...

I just wonder why you assumed it meant cities when it only said places. You could have picked the 3 different houses houses and the dorm in regina and still properly answered the question.

By the way chris is right, but I wonder if he remembers the 2 different places we lived in Caronport and the 3rd one before even darrell was born.

PS...Really, i need the help for this one....Please??!!!!??!

8:49 PM

Blogger Papa Scott said...

How I ended up writing houses twices will never be known to any of us.

8:51 PM

Blogger Papa Scott said...

How I ended up adding an 's' to the end of twice we will never know.

I have to learn to proof-read a little better.

8:52 PM

Blogger braderick said...

i couldn't remember whether it was caronport or kelstern...guess i guessed wrong...oh well. twices

10:52 PM

Blogger Papa Scott said...


4:06 PM


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